Magazine: CBA – responsible financial management and a new concept for Príma stores

By: trademagazin Date: 2014. 12. 15. 09:33

On 8 October CBA made two important announcements at the opening ceremony of Mágnáskert Deli, the 136th member of their Príma chain. Communications director Attila Fodor told in his speech that CBA joined MVM Partner Zrt.’s green energy programme, within the framework of which more and more CBA stores – starting with more than a hundred – will use electricity from renewable sources.


He added that by relying on energy saving solutions several hundred thousand forints per store can be spared in a year. György Major, MVM Partner Zrt.’s deputy CEO responsible for sales spoke about their Electricity Guard service that CBA started to use – it is basically an energy use and service contract audit, based on which thy recommend new, more efficient solutions and schemes. Mr Fodor stressed that CBA is dedicated to operating responsibly for the benefit of society, this is the reason why they built a park and an open-air gym in front of the new Príma store. The director also announced that Príma stores don’t bear the CBA name any more, in order to make it easier for consumers to differentiate these elite stores from traditional CBA shops. After the speeches CBA president László Baldauf and the owners of Mágnáskert Deli, Istvánné Dudás and Zsolt Gyelán ceremonially cut the ribbon and opened the store. (x)

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